One could always find it interesting to ponder about the fact that what great men have in common that have made them successfully climb the ladder of life to the positions that they occupied in history, during their peak days, leaving their mark. Men who often occupy great positions of power, are able to mate with the best women, as well as the most, are able to obtain the most material wealth, often tend to have a different air to them than the Average Joe working a minimum wage job in a fast food restaurant or as a gas station clerk. It’s not just about being assertive or aggressive, as there is an air of charisma about them that makes this assertiveness a quality worth being listened to, followed, and therefore are loved as leaders instead of feared. There are other qualities that come into the mix, such as a high self esteem, propensity to continue being persistent even when things are not going his way, a track record in terms of getting his way.
Scientifically, what we are going to examine is called “alpha male behavior”.
When it comes to alpha male behavior among human men, it is something that can be learned instead of an inborn trait as with many animals who exhibit similar traits in a more raw, animalistic sense. When it comes to beta males in the animal world, they often scrounge for leftovers of food, will often be led by an alpha male, do his bidding, and nothing will be left over for him, including the female animals when it comes to mating. This conundrum is similarly applicable to human males, with the exception that this behavior can be learned, changed and adjusted over time, in order to turn a beta male into an alpha male. For more severe cases of “nice guy syndrome”, it would have to be remedied through a longer, more grueling and complex experience. Emotion plays a huge part in this programming, as you have to desire to learn something in order to have it etch into your very being. You would essentially go from one who wants to one who is wanted.
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